Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Following in his brother's footsteps

Timothy has become quite the accident prone little boy. Within the past three days he has done the following:

-fell near the Pickett's Christmas tree and got a cut and bruise by his right eye
-fell out of a chair and got a cut on his right temple
-Mommy scratched his right jaw
-fell off the piano bench which bruised and cut his forehead above his left eye.

I would post a picture, but I can't find the camera right now. Maybe I'll get one taken before the bumps disappear.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Summer Fun For Me

This summer has been full of fun. I got to go swimming, play in a mud puddle, learn to walk, and play with balls! I met Isaiah Griffis who is only 10 days older than I am. He was walking before me, but I didn't let that bother me.

This is one of the words I know: "ball." This is also my
favorite thing to play with.

Mommy let me swing with her. I was so tired and the

rocking back in forth felt so good, I just fell asleep in Mommy's lap.

Here I am in Baldwin, Michigan. I stayed with the Schultz's.

I am so glad Mommy let me get in the sand and the lake.

Here I am enjoying flowers, bugs, and anything else I can get my hands on.

P.S. Mommy said she would post some of my birthday and walking pictures later.

Monday, March 17, 2008

He's A Keeper

Everywhere we go, people offer to keep Timothy for a while. It's no wonder with a face this cute! Here he is month by month for the past few months.
Here is month 5. He has started to roll over just a bit.

Who can resist a cute naked baby? Here he is scooting a little better.

A proud 7 month old who can sit up on his own. He scoots around really well. He uses his elbows and his right leg to push himself.