Monday, April 20, 2009

Fun Being One

This is Timothy the Sunday after Easter.
"Honest Mom, I didn't have any of the chocolate piece"

Here I am "sewing" a cat card with Grandma Joy.
I really enjoyed sticking the string through all the holes.

Here I am in the tub at the cabin in Minnesota. I liked the deep tub
because then Mommy let us splash around more than normal.

Here I am traveling around in the car. I am working on staying happy when
the trip is eight hours a day.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


So, I am running around like crazy and talking up a storm. I learn lots from my brother, like how to say "mine" and "move".

My favorite song is Old MacDonald. I request it by saying "Song" and then "E-I-E-I-O." Mom has listened to it today over 20 times.

Mom was fixing sloppy joes for dinner this morning. I found a chopped up piece of green pepper and stuck it in my nose. Mommy discovered this because Benjamin told Mommy I stuck "pay dough" in my nose. Mommy layed me down to inspect, and I sneezed it out.

I also LOVE books. I like to look at them myself and I love for Mommy and Daddy to read to me. When they read to me I have to sit on their laps so I can see the pictures the best. My favorite book right now is "The Big Bulldozer". I can say " bee bulldoze uck" when I want this book.

That's all for now folks.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Following in his brother's footsteps

Timothy has become quite the accident prone little boy. Within the past three days he has done the following:

-fell near the Pickett's Christmas tree and got a cut and bruise by his right eye
-fell out of a chair and got a cut on his right temple
-Mommy scratched his right jaw
-fell off the piano bench which bruised and cut his forehead above his left eye.

I would post a picture, but I can't find the camera right now. Maybe I'll get one taken before the bumps disappear.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Summer Fun For Me

This summer has been full of fun. I got to go swimming, play in a mud puddle, learn to walk, and play with balls! I met Isaiah Griffis who is only 10 days older than I am. He was walking before me, but I didn't let that bother me.

This is one of the words I know: "ball." This is also my
favorite thing to play with.

Mommy let me swing with her. I was so tired and the

rocking back in forth felt so good, I just fell asleep in Mommy's lap.

Here I am in Baldwin, Michigan. I stayed with the Schultz's.

I am so glad Mommy let me get in the sand and the lake.

Here I am enjoying flowers, bugs, and anything else I can get my hands on.

P.S. Mommy said she would post some of my birthday and walking pictures later.

Monday, March 17, 2008

He's A Keeper

Everywhere we go, people offer to keep Timothy for a while. It's no wonder with a face this cute! Here he is month by month for the past few months.
Here is month 5. He has started to roll over just a bit.

Who can resist a cute naked baby? Here he is scooting a little better.

A proud 7 month old who can sit up on his own. He scoots around really well. He uses his elbows and his right leg to push himself.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Growing Day by Day

I am now 4 months old. Mommy thinks I am looking more and more like my big brother. She secretly hopes I will look more like her instead of Daddy. I love my big brother Benjamin. He makes me laugh and smile. I also rolled from my back to my tummy last night for the first time. yeah!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Little Beginning

I decided to create this site so I could keep the boys pictures separate from each other, and I hope to post more pictures of Mommy and Daddy as well as pictures as a whole family on the family designated blog site. We will see how this endeavor turns out.
Timothy is a good little boy for the most part. He loves to be rocked in his seat. He has recently allowed the use of the travel swing to lull him to sleep. He takes a pacifier right now. He eats about every four hours. His last feeding is around 10 p.m. and he eats again around 4:30 a.m. and gets up for the day around 8:00 a.m. He is smiling a lot, and even smiles at his big brother.
The little bundle is full of smiles for his mommy. He has been talking to me a lot too.
Here is Timothy in Canada. He was about 4 weeks old.
Here is Timothy's most recent smile. I took it on 10/3/07. He is a smiley boy, just like his older brother. Tomorrow he has a photo shoot with Wal-Mart. I will send those out when they arrive.